Abstract - 902

by Mildred Rutledge
Abstract - 902
Mildred Rutledge
Painting - Watercolour
Original framed size is 21.00" x 18.625". Original watercolour is 14" x 11".
A lively and colourful abstract watercolour completed in 2022. It looks wonderful with off-white matting (or even better, the artist recommends double matting with a narrow .25" "Sauterne" colour internal matte -- AFA refers to this as the "Bottom Mat" -- and an off-white surrounding matte of 2.5" (for the 14" x 11" size, or proportionally larger or smaller for other print sizes) -- AFA refers to this as the "Top Mat".) The original artwork has a gold frame (approximately equivalent to "111FGL" in the AFA frame choices"
Prints of this watercolour are sold uncropped, matching the proportions of the original.
If you select 14" x 11", that is a standard matting and framing size available everywhere.
The other sizes are not standard, but AFA or your personal framer can mat and frame your print for you.
All sizes look excellent printed on canvas and left unframed.
January 21st, 2023
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